Sunday, February 24, 2008

Anatomy of a Beautiful Face...30 Days to a more Beautiful You Target

Okay, so I know I tend to explore the deeper side of beauty more often than the surface aspects, but this time...I am going completely superficial. There are certain elements to an "attractive" face and they are things we can all pretty much achieve with a little nudge here and there.

1. Well groomed eyebrows shaped to fit your face

2. Facial symmetry(makeup can help even out minor differences)

3. Healthy skin

4. Soft, moisturized lips

We all have different faces and unique looks, however these elements seem to be universal markers of "beauty." I love makeup for fun and expression, but for everyday I love a very natural look characterized by muted, radiant color, lush lashes, softly color-kissed cheeks and lips and well groomed brows. I'm not a big fan of concealer or foundation except as temporary, occasional measures. When your skin is at its best you won't feel the need for these things.
Makeup should ideally be an embellishment, not a cover up. As an artist, I look at makeup as one more medium of accentuating beauty and a way to express a mood. This is the basic natural face.

1. Natural highlighting on brow bone, under eyes and on center of nose. Can be achieved with a neutral colored shimmer powder from a company like afterglow cosmetics.

2. Well groomed brow. Have your brows professionally done or tackle them yourself if you feel up to it. They should not be too thin or heavily penciled in. DO NOT OVERPLUCK. Do not pluck too much from the inner brow and make sure each side matches. Symmetry is very important to achieving a "beautiful" look. If you make a mistake you can fix the problem by first lightly penciling in short feathery brow strokes and then blending in lightly with a brow powder.

3. Soft, natural colors on cheek , eyelid and mouth. Soft glowing colors like dusty roses and bronzes achieve a natural look on most complexions. One of my favorite brands is eccobella especially for lipsticks.

4. Lightly lined lids. You can use natural kohl sticks or charcoal pencils.

5. Defined eyelashes. I like to use aloe vera gel as a clear, natural mascara. Just use the wand from an old tube of mascara. (be sure to keep it clean)

6. Soft sheen on lips. A tiny, tiny touch of a light oil like almond oil will do the trick. Or try Burt's Bees lip balm. Or, even better make your own lip balm.

Okay, let's get beautiful!



Chris Scott/Makeup Gourmet said...

Simplicity in enhancement is always difficult for the untrained. This article shares a depth of experience which should help the novice with subtle tips to maximize your own beautiful features. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

It works! o_o I got immediate compliments after applying my make up like this for a few days.
But my face is already angular, i guess it needed defining and softening with your tips.

~Much Thanks. It looks visibly stunning and soft, and VERY natural.