Hello Everyone! We are one week into our 30 day project and I just wanted to know how everybody's doing. Share your experiences, ask for support or lend some words of support. Tell us how it's going!!! I'm dying to hear your stories!
I love any and all items related to making things/people/me more beautiful. I discovered lipstick at fifteen and since then I can count the number of times I’ve gone out with nude lips on one hand (okay, that's an exaggeration, but you get the point). The joys of blush and mascara were not lost on me. I approached makeup with an artist’s eye. I learned early on to use makeup to enhance and to embellish, not to cover up and mask. Clear skin was always the best canvas and that starts on the inside. I knew that what I ate and how I took care of myself was just as important if not more important than what I put on my face.
As I entered my twenties, my love affair with all things beauty continued to grow, but my awareness of the ugly side of beauty also began to take shape. I quickly realized that the beauty industry is hiding some very dangerous secrets in plain sight. The sad truth is that most of us do not know that the products we use every day contain known carcinogens (cancer causing agents) and other toxic ingredients.
The happy truth is that we do have choices. Just because I want to be healthy does not mean I don’t want to look good. I still want to wear lipstick. I still want my hair to be shiny. I like to look good and that’s okay. What we look like on the outside is a reflection of what is going on inside. When we eat pure wholesome food and drink clean water our skin glows and our eyes shine. That is beauty. When we feel content and balanced we draw people to us. That is beauty. Share my journey towards
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