Saturday, May 17, 2008

Where's the juice?

So, as everyone well, knows, I am addicted to juicing. I don't, or should I say, won't start my day without a tall glass of beautiful, fresh, green juice. First of all , I love the flavor and even more satisfying is the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing that I have just consumed the nutritious goodness of close to a pound of live, organic love (in the humble form of kale, lettuce, celery, apples and lemons) brimming over with enzymes...need I say more? So, pretty much whatever I eat for the rest of the day I know I've already done alot of good for my body.

Okay, so back to the point, I love fresh juice- which is surprisingly hard to come by these days. I recently spent time in California and Chicago and much to my surprise, I could not hunt down anything more than fresh squeezed OJ, wheatgrass shots and the occasional glass of carrot juice.

Who could believe that in California, mecca to the health conscious and land of the beautiful people, that finding a glass of fresh green juice, or even apple juice would be so hard. In Santa Cruz, we were sent to Whole Foods, then to New Leaf, Trader Joe's and a couple of other establishments whose names I can't recall and still no fresh juice. Jamba Juice scored points for serving up freshly squeezed orange juice, (hey, something is better than nothing.) It wasn't until the last day of my trip, while in San Francisco that I found freshly pressed apple juice at the pier.

A couple of weeks later I headed off to Chicago. Juice, no problem - I could always count on the juice bar at the Whole Foods that I always go to when I'm in Chicago. But, guess what? Yeah, no juice. The polite man behind the counter asked me when I had been in the store last because the juice bar had been closed for a while. Admittedly, it has been some time, but some things should never change.



Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever heard of green juice. Do you have a recipe handy? And what is the dominant taste... tart, sweet, savory, or a combination?

Anonymous said...

Hi Teena, thanks for the post!

Green juices can generally be based on dark leafy greens or spirulina or some type of nutritional grass, basically any typt of edible, healthy "green" plant. I personally love kale. It is extremely alkalizing and full of calcium and other good things. I usually follow a loose recipe based on the Natalia Rose green lemonade. I use half a bunch to a full bunch of kale, one whole lemon (you can take the skin off if you don't have organic or if the flavor is too strong), one or two organic apples for sweetness, and add-ins like parseley or cucumber or romaine lettuce. You can control the sweetness or tartness by how many apples or lemons, etc. that you use in your juice. I hope this helps!
