Monday, March 3, 2008

Easy Beauty...Eyebrows

Want to know one of the most effective and simple ways to improve your beauty quotient? Get your eyebrows shaped. Eyebrows are one of the most prominent features of your face and if they don't look good chances are, everything else will look a little off too.

The best piece of advice when it comes to eyebrow shaping; Don't overpluck! A beautiful, natural brow frames the face nicely and thicker brows look more youthful. You can have your brows plucked, waxed ar threaded depending on your preference. Many women choose to groom their brows at home. If you are brave enough to try it, visit for advice on plucking and to learn about everything brow related. This great site has step-by-step diagrams that will teach you how to achieve the perfect arch. You will also learn how to fill in your brows and gel them.

It can be a little difficult to find all natural brow pencils so sometimes I just open up a charcoal capsule and brush it on sparingly with a hard angled brush to fill my brows. If you have lighter brows you might want to try using a mineral eyeshadow in taupe or some other natural shade with an hard angled brush. In a pinch natural eyeliners like those from afterglow cosmetics or Ecco Bella can be used, but they might be a little too soft so you may have to experiment. One product I haven't tried yet, but hope to soon is Beauty Wise Cosmetics mineral eye brow pencils .

Until then, keep your eyebrows groomed and your face framed beautifully.


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